ICS2: Advanced Customs Information on Cargo
Learn about the new computer system created to gather information on all goods entering the EU before their arrival.
The Import Control System 2 (ICS2) is the new pre-arrival customs safety and security program based on a large-scale information system for shipments.
ICS2 has been created to gather information on all goods entering the EU before their arrival. Economic Operators (EO) must declare security data to ICS2 through the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS).
The system aims to improve the protection of the European Single Market and its citizens through new customs safety and security measures to facilitate the free flow of internal trade through optimized, data-driven customs security processes adapted to global business models.
ICS2 affects logistics companies, intermediary agents, and representatives of all implicated Economic Operators. Regarding transport activities, the system affects all companies: Express transport services, air cargo companies, and maritime, rail, and road transport companies. Finally, ICS2 must be considered by the responsible parties of end recipients established in the European Union (EU) for goods received via maritime routes.
For companies established outside the EU, ICS2 will indirectly affect all manufacturers, exporters, and individuals in third countries wishing to send goods to the EU (or through it). They must provide the necessary information to the directly affected Economic Operators.
Enhances the protection of EU citizens and the internal market against threats to their safety.
Allows EU customs authorities to more easily identify high-risk shipments and intervene at the most appropriate point in the supply chain.
Supports the implementation of proportionate and selective customs measures at external borders in crisis response scenarios.
Facilitates cross-border processes for legitimate trade.
Simplifies information exchange between Economic Operators (EO) and EU customs authorities.
It is very important to consider the consequences if Economic Operators do not prepare adequately in advance: Shipments and goods will be held at European customs. Customs authorities will not proceed with the clearance of goods, and penalties may be imposed for non-compliance with regulations.
Therefore, all affected companies must be well informed and thoroughly understand the new requirements. Update IT systems and adapt processes is the best recommended measure to provide the necessary data when required. For the proper implementation of this measure, company training and support for responsible technicians will be a fundamental complement.